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I can’t find the ingredient I’m looking for, what do I do?

We are constantly adding ingredients to our database. If you can't find an ingredient, start by searching for a synonym  (e.g. squash and zucchini) or a similar product (e.g cabbage and white cabbage). If you still can’t find your ingredient, feel free to send us a message at and we will suggest a substitute ingredient to use while we work on including the missing one! Another option is to add your ingredient as a “custom ingredient”, this way it will appear in your recipe, however, it will not be included in the calculations. We only recommend using this option for ingredients in small amounts, or for example herbs and spices.

My ingredient’s country of origin does not exist, what do I do?

We always aim to stay updated with the latest research and climate values but some have still not received enough country-specific assessments. If you can’t find the correct country of origin we suggest you use Unknown origin which represents standard values. The standard value is based on an average of the most common countries of origin.

I don’t know the country of origin or if it’s organic, what should I do?

Sometimes it can be difficult to know where your ingredients are from and how they have been produced. For these cases, we suggest you use Unknown origin, conventional to use an average value.

The correct unit does not exist (e.g. volume or pieces), what do I do?

If there is a unit conversion missing for an ingredient you can use to get the right conversion (e.g “1dl of olive oil in grams”). Also, please reach out to us by emailing to inform us that a conversion is missing - we will update it as soon as possible.

Why do I not see a CO2e value when I add an ingredient?

You need to add a minimum of two ingredients in order to see the total climate impact of a recipe. If you have added two ingredients and still do not see a climate label, please contact us.

What is the difference between organic and conventional ingredients?

Organically produced ingredients must not use any artificial fertilisers or chemical pesticides. The feed for the animals must be organic and mostly grown on their own farm. It is also important that the animals are allowed to be outdoors and have an outlet for their natural behaviours.

Which emissions are included in the calculations?

Every food product goes through several stages during the production process, including raw material extraction, farming, factory processing and transportation. All these stages release various amounts of emissions, commonly referred to as greenhouse gas emissions. The most common greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide and the amount of emissions released is measured in carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2 equivalents, CO2e) to have one standardised unit to compare the effect of different gas emissions.

How do you classify a dish as climate-friendly?

Meals rated A and B are in line with the Paris Agreement goal or at least allows us to be on a good path to limit temperature increase to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels by 2050.

A-rated meals (very low) have a carbon footprint of less than 0.40 kg CO₂e/meal and are in line with the Paris Agreement goal to limit temperature increase to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels. 

B-rated meals (low) have a carbon footprint of 0.40-0.90 kg CO₂e/meal and are in line with the targets set for 2030. These meals puts us on a good path for 2050. Aligned with the Cool Food initiative by WRI.


How can I save a recipe in multiple languages?

When creating a new recipe or editing an existing recipe, go to the recipe settings in the left panel of the calculator. Here you can add various languages by clicking “Add language”. Once you have selected your languages, you can rename them in the recipe name or use the auto-translate function. To remove languages from your recipe, delete them from the recipe settings in the left panel using the delete icon.

Am I able to create recipe parts and re-use such parts in other recipes?

Yes! While in the recipe calculator, on the left hand side you can select to show ingredient bags. Here you can create a new bag by clicking on new ingredient bag to continue creating a sub-recipe.  Once you are done and have saved you ingredient bag, find your new bag or existing bags in the “Ingredients bags” section in the left panel.

Can I edit a recipe once I save it?

Yes! Once you have saved a recipe, you can find it within your recipe bank on the recipe page. From here you can click the recipe to open the recipe info window, then select “Edit recipe” to make changes to your existing recipe.

What should I think of when I calculate starters, tapas, snacks or smaller meals?

You can edit the meal type in the recipe settings in the left panel within the calculator and choose snack (10% of a main course), small course (25% of a main course) or half course (50% of a main course) to reflect your recipe size. It’s set to Auto-select as default, meaning that it selects the meal type automatically based on the recipe weight. 

Should I add ALL ingredients when creating a recipe?

The more ingredients you add, the more accurate your recipe’s carbon footprint will be. We recommend that you add as many ingredients as you can and most importantly the main ingredients. Sometimes a specific ingredient might not exist, if this is the case please refer to the FAQ “I can’t find the ingredient I’m looking for, what do I do?”.

I’m serving a buffet so the portion sizes may vary, how should I calculate the recipe?

There are two ways of doing this. Either you add the recipe for a full batch and change the number of portions in the recipe settings in the left panel to the number of guests you expect. Another alternative is to estimate the portion size to 400g and add for example 150 grams of protein, 100 grams of carbs, 50-100 grams of veggies and 50-100 grams of sauce (depending on how your recipe is structured of course).

How large is a standard lunch or dinner?

A standard lunch or dinner is approximately 400 grams.


What recipes can I use to create a climate labelled menu?

When creating a menu you can use the recipes within your restaurant or your entire organisation. When adding a recipe to a menu, you'll see a restaurant or organisation icon on the right hand side of the recipe selection dropdown box, to differentiate between your options.

The design of the menu in Klimato does not match my needs, what should I do?

Feel free to send us a message to and we will try to help you with your design request. Otherwise, one option is to download labels from the Recipe Bank and create a climate labelled menu outside of the Klimato tool.

How do I create a menu in a different language?

To create menus in different languages, select the "Language" tab in the right panel. Here you can choose the language for your menu. This will automatically translate your recipes into the chosen language. If you want to change the recipe translation you can do this by either editing the recipe in the calculator and adding a language from the recipe settings, or you can click on the recipe block in the menu creator and “rename” it locally for this specific menu.


What do the different numbers in the report mean?

The reports show three important KPIs. 

- The “Total” is the sum of the periods served meals, number of climate-friendly meals within that sum, and the climate impact with various representations.

- The “Average climate impact per serving” shows the total climate impact per serving divided by the total number of full portions served.

- The “Climate-friendly meals” shows the percentage of the total number of meals sold for each level of very low, lowmedium, high and very high CO2e emissions.

Is there a deadline for creating last month's report?

There is no deadline and feel free to do it whenever you want. However, from our experience, it becomes more difficult to accurately track data if you wait for several monthly reports. It’s best to keep them up to date and create last month’s report during the current month.

I’m unsure how many portions of each meal that has been served, what should I do?

This is the case for some customers, especially for restaurants serving a buffet. One solution is to estimate that each guest eats an average of 400-500 grams and if you served a total of 10kg of pasta bolognese, that should be equivalent to 20-25 portions. If you need further assistance regarding this, feel free to send us a message to

General FAQ

What can I do to adapt my recipes and make them more sustainable?

This is a big question with many possible answers. The simplest way is to reduce the amount of dairy and meat (especially ruminant animals such as beef and lamb), then instead change to other types of protein and plant-based dairy alternatives. We would love to assist you with creating as climate-friendly recipes as possible, so just reach out to us at if you want some more guidance on this.

How is the climate impact of an ingredient or recipe calculated?

We have created country specific databases for the climate impact of a variety of different foods, certified by WRI and the Swedish Environmental Research Institute. The calculations are made using life cycle assessments, which means that emissions from e.g. food production, processing and transportation are included. The standard measurement for carbon footprint of food is kg CO2e and represents the total amount of greenhouse gasses emitted during the whole life cycle of the food.

The climate impact of a recipe is in turn the sum of each ingredient's carbon footprint value added to the recipe, with respect to the amount and country of origin of each ingredient.

Why does beef have such a high carbon footprint?

Cows produce gases that contain methane, which is a very strong greenhouse gas and therefore contributes more to global warming compared to other animals, such as chicken for example.

Didn't find the question or answer you were looking for? Feel free to contact us at