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How Øyafestivalen formed customer behavior for the better with Klimato

Øyafestivalen is an annual alternative and indie music festival, attracting thousands of Norwegian and European youths every year. Since its start in 1999 it has become one of Norway's biggest and most respected music festivals.





Oslo, Norway


Event, Festival

Uses Klimato for

Calculating emissions and Carbon labeling menus 

“Working with Klimato in 2022 was pure joy; they were positive, efficient and seamless. Rebecca and her team faced head-on all the difficulties associated with the hectic and tight timeframe that is a major festival, and we were impressed with the results.”

Britt Medalen Nilsen
Food and Partner Coordinator at Øyafestivalen

The Challenge

Finding a flexible and easy to use tool to make the festival more climate friendly

Big events in general, but especially music festivals, can be very hectic in terms of organization and planning, especially when trying to bring sustainability into the picture. Øyafestivalen was looking for the right solution to support them when trying to meet their climate goals, making the process smoother.


The Solution

To address this challenge, Øyafestivalen decided to use Klimato’s features in the following ways:


Calculator feature 

to Measure Carbon Emissions

Øyafestivalen managed to input all the ingredients used by their food vendors into Klimato’s tool and receive an overall picture on the carbon emissions of the meals that they were serving.

“After working with Klimato we have a clearer vision of the issues and solutions associated with the food we serve festival goers and workers. It is now easy to implement changes that actually make a difference.”

- Mia Frogner - Head of Sustainability and Food at Øyafestivalen


Carbon labels

to communicate and educate

The festival team used the emission data to add carbon labels to their food stands’ menus, while at the same time striving to educate their involved staff on the matter. As their Head of Sustainability and Food explained, they want to take it even further in the future by involving more stakeholders in the project and further raise awareness:

“Communicating the link between food and climate is extremely important for us, and with the use of Klimato’s tool this work is easier and more spot on. We are also planning on using the tool in the menu planning for 2023, to raise even more awareness for all kitchens and vendors!”

- Mia Frogner - Head of Sustainability and Food at Øyafestivalen



During 2022 Øyafestivalen managed to bring the average climate impact per serving down to less than 0.4 kg CO2e, by using Klimato’s tool. (For the sake of comparison, the European average per meal is 1.7 kg CO2e.)

Changing customer behavior and influencing sales numbers through carbon labels

While there were some options emitting up to 2.7 kg CO2e on the menu, thanks to the festival’s efforts with carbon labeling as much as 85% of all meals served had a low climate impact (i.e. between 0.1-0.5 kg CO2e). This clearly shows how climate-friendly food is something festival goers seek and respond positively to.

Johanne, a regular festival goer at Øya, gave a loud and clear “YES!” when asked if she wanted climate-friendly food, and further elaborated on feeling enlightened about the impact her decisions have on the planet. She also mentioned how impressive it was that, even if prices for the different options were almost the same, when it came to climate impact she could choose to land at either 0.5 or 2.7 kg of CO2e with her order.

Øya’s future plans on using Klimato

Øyafestivalen does not mean to end their sustainability journey now. On the contrary, they have ambitious plans for the future, including:

> Tracking data and generating reports for each day of the festival to understand visitor behavior
> Having more granular CO2e data for the Øya staff canteen by using Klimato procurement reports
> Educating food vendors before the festival on how they can lower their food emissions ever further
> More education to festival visitors on the carbon footprint of food

How to leverage Klimato in the events space

Overall, Øyafestivalen is a shining example of how festivals and events can make a positive impact while also leveraging the features of Klimato’s tool to educate and communicate better with their customers, ultimately changing their consumer behavior. If you have any questions about how your event could implement Klimato’s tool to reach their climate targets, feel free to get in touch with one of our climate experts!


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